restclient.el – sending API Requests directly from within Emacs

Hey, something new! (to me!) the restclient.el library, for emacs. I tried it. I like it. I recommend it.

What does it do? Allows you to send REST requests (really just http requests) right from emacs, interactively. And then pretty-prints the results if possible (if XML or JSON or image). It includes a simple text mode that allows you to define a set of requests and some variables that can be used in those requests. The whole thing is simple, easy, handy.
Activate it with C-c C-c

Separately, I have a library that reads .netrc files from within elisp. It’s a natural complement to restclient.el , for API endpoints that require HTTP Basic authentication. That covers lots of API endpoints, including OAuth token dispensaries that require the client_id and client_secret to be passed in as an HTTP Basic authentication header. Here’s a simple example use:

Really nice. How did I not know about this elisp library?

One problem I had when using it: The restclient.el helpfully uses a function json-pretty-print-buffer to pretty-print the buffer containing the response, if the content-type of the response is application/json.

I don’t know that function, and it wasn’t defined on my emacs. This led to a runtime error, and a json buffer that was hard for me to visually parse.

But my emacs does have the similarly named json-prettify-buffer. So I used the following gist to get the restclient to succeed in its pretty-printing efforts.

The restclient.el module is not a huge thing, but it’s nice for us emacs people. I know about Postman, and use it. I know about Paw (but don’t use it). I know and use Fiddler. I am a big fan of curl, and someitmes curlish. This is a nice additional tool for the toolbox.  Really handy.

Thanks, Jake McCrary, for writing up your experience with Emacs and restclient.el; your blog post is how I discovered it.  And thanks of course to Pavel Kurnosov, the original author of the restclient.el library. Thanks for sharing.

EDIT – I made a change in restclient.el to fix an issue that causes an extra unintended newline to be appended to the last form parameter. This issue cost me about 90 minutes of debugging my JWT verification code, bummer! My change just trims trailing newlines from the entity being sent. This will be a problem for you if you want to send an entity that ends in several newlines. Find my fixed restclient.el here .

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